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Parenting on the same page: navigating the challenges of different approaches.

Are you a "softie" when it comes to raising your children or are you "tougher" on your kids?

While every parent or carer wants the best for their children, parents and carers may not always agree on the "best" way or the "right" way to parent. Some parents prefer to take a firmer or disciplinarian approach to raising their children, others may prefer a gentler collaborative parenting approach. These differences can result in conflict between parents and confuse children. 

If you’d like to know how to manage different approaches to parenting with your parenting partner then this interview on ABC Brisbane "Afternoons with Katherine Feeney" is for you.

Parenting expert, Dr Rosina McAlpine, creator of the Win Win Parenting program shares:

  • A range of different approaches to parenting and their impact on children.

  • The challenges parent’s face when they're not on the same page.

  • How to overcome conflict when there are different approaches to raising children.

It's just 15 mins! Enjoy!


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